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Well Labled Diagram Of Rice Plant

The Rice Plant . The rice plant has round and hollow stems, flat leaves, and panicles at the top of the plant. Rice is a very flexible/adaptable plant that grows well under both flooded and rainfed conditions. The plant comprises vegetative organs: roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive organs; the latter is the panicle made up of spikelets.

Parts of a Rice Plant Hunker . Parts of a Rice Plant. Rice plants are similar in growth habit and anatomy to other grasses and grains such as oats and wheat except that they grow in standing water or in very wet soil. They are perennial and will continue to grow as long as they don't freeze but are usually treated as an annual for food production. Rice Anatomy Home - Welcome to UCD Plant Biology . This page is part of the Anatomy of Crop Plants Project and was researched by undergraduate students! enrolled in PLB 105 Developmental Plant Anatomy. Please use the icons at the bottom of each page to navigate from unit to unit. The rice icon at the top of each page will bring you back to this page. Anatomy of stem,root and leaf of rice - SlideShare . Anatomy of stem,root and leaf of rice. • Rice is an herb having a plant height of 2-4m. The plant generally takes 3-6 months to complete its life cycle. • Second most important crop after wheat. • Consumed by more than 75% of world population. • Annual grass. • Genus Oryza ,more than 20 wild species and two cultivated diploid species (2n = 2x = 24) Rice Plant Diagram - Pictures, Photos & Images of Plants . Find free pictures, photos, diagrams, images and information related to a wide range of different plants right here at Science Kids. Photo name: Rice Plant Diagram Picture category: Plants Image size: 54 KB Dimensions: 45! 2 x 592 Photo description: This rice plant diagram illustrates! the important parts of the plant Oryza sativa.

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